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Si ka badu, ka ta biradu', a documentary on the role of Cape Verdean women on both sides of the migratory flow.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Kabu Verdi: Hora di bai ends its itinerancy at La Térmica Cultural with the screening of Si ka badu, ka ta biradu. If the exhibition focuses on the adaptation strategies of Cape Verdeans who emigrated to work in the mining basins, this documentary recounts the role of migrant women in the survival and welfare of their families, in the Galician town of Burela and on the Cape Verdean island of Santiago, on both sides of the migratory flow.

Four generations of women tell their life stories in this social documentary, a faithful portrait of the sexual division and transnational organization of care. We see them cooking, cleaning, caring for dependents both in their hometowns and in the Galician society of destination, and we understand the impact that this unequal distribution of the burden of care has on their lives.

They are also the ones who organize the traffic of affection, calls, remittances and parcels. Those who save for a dream future where they can rest after so much work. In Burela or Caboverde.

Si ka badu, ka ta biradu -If youdon't leave, you can't come back, in Spanish- is a verse by the Cape Verdean poet Eugénio Tavares that responds to the complex relationship of his country with emigration. This documentary has been co-financed by the Xunta de Galicia and is part of the academic project Cape Verdean families in Galicia. Impact for the development of the transnationalization of care and remittances, carried out by the researchers of the Sociology and Anthropology faculties of the University of A Coruña (UDC), Antía Pérez Caramés, Luzia Oca González, Belén Fernández Suárez, Keina Espiñeira González and Iria Vázquez Silva. 

  • Type: Activities,Documentary
  • Time: October 12, 2023 - 12:00 - 13:00
  • Venue:Anthracite Auditorium
  • Duration:12:00H


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