Hours: Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm, Friday and Saturday from 10 am to 10 pm and Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm.
Legal Notice
General terms and conditions
The owner of the website http://www.latermicacultural.es (hereinafter Web) is the state public sector foundation Fundación Ciudad de la Energía-CIUDEN F.S.P., with registered office in Cubillos del Sil (León), C.P. 24492, Avenida Presidente Rodríguez Zapatero, s/n, Tel. +34 987 456 323 / +34 987 457 454 / Fax. +34 987 424 400 and N.I.F. G-84.737.238, registered in the Registry of Foundations of the Ministry of Education and Science by Ministerial Order of August 23, 2006, under number 913.
These conditions regulate the access and permitted use of the Web, whose function is to inform about La Térmica Cultural, its operation, services and initiatives, activities and any other relevant or convenient.
The use of the Web attributes the condition of user of the Web, hereinafter the "User", and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice at the very moment the User accesses the Web. Consequently, the User must read the Legal Notice carefully each time he/she intends to use the Website, as it may undergo modifications.
The User agrees to make proper use of the Web in accordance with the law, good faith, morality and generally accepted good customs, public order and this Legal Notice. The User acknowledges that the Foundation is not responsible for the possible illegality or infringement of rights of the activities carried out by users and will be liable to the Foundation and third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of breach of this obligation.
The Foundation reserves the right to remove the contents disseminated without authorization or whose unlawfulness is known or of which it has reasonable suspicions, and may cancel or suspend the account or access to the Web without notice to any user who, according to the unilateral criterion of the Foundation, is considered to be in breach of this Legal Notice or the law.
All Users who may include content on the Web expressly declare that these do not affect the rights of third parties and that they own all rights to them or are authorized to disseminate them online.
In the blogs and publications contained in the Web, the authors of the rights are identified, and therefore these authors are responsible for the contents of their ownership.
The Foundation reserves the right to make changes to the Website without prior notice, in order to update, correct, modify, add or delete its contents or design. The contents and services offered on the Web are updated periodically. Due to the fact that the updating of the information is not immediate, we suggest that you always check the validity and accuracy of the information, services and contents contained in the Web.
Therefore, if you do not agree with the considerations detailed in this Legal Notice, please do not use the Web, since any use you make of it or of the services and contents included in it will imply the acceptance of the legal terms included in this text.
In order to use the services of the Web, minors must obtain prior permission from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be considered responsible for all acts performed by minors in their care.
The Web has included links to third party web pages ("links"), most of them to Internet pages that we believe may be of interest to you. However, the Foundation does not assume any responsibility derived from the connection or contents of the third party links referred to in the Web. The establishment of a hyperlink ("links") does not imply in any case the existence of relations between the Foundation and the owner of the website in which it is established, nor the acceptance and approval by the Foundation of its contents or services. Therefore, it shall not be stated or implied that the Foundation has expressly authorized the hyperlink or that it has supervised or assumed in any way the services offered or made available on the website from which the hyperlink is established. The user assumes sole responsibility for any consequences, damages or actions that may arise from accessing the hyperlinked web page. Those persons who intend to establish a hyperlink between their web page and our Web, shall ensure that it will only allow access to the home page of the Web, likewise, shall refrain from making false, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications about the Foundation or include illegal content, contrary to law, morality, generally accepted good customs and public order, nor shall it include content contrary to any third party rights.
The use of the Web by its users is completely free of charge.
The use of the WEB and any of the pages it contains and associated websites(www.lafabricadeluz.org www.ciuden.es or others) implies full acceptance of the conditions of this notice.
Intellectual and industrial property rights
All contents of the Web, including texts, photographs, graphics, technologies, sound and/or image files, graphic design and source codes, as well as logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs that appear in it, belong to the Foundation, collaborating entities or a third party holder, and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights. Likewise, the images, etc. contained in the Foundation's server are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.
Its use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or analogous activity is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of the Foundation or the holder of the exploitation rights.
The Foundation declares its respect for the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties; therefore, if you consider that this site could be violating their rights, please contact the Energy City Foundation at the following e-mail address: informacion@ciuden.es
Disclaimer of warranties and liability:
The Foundation is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that may cause, but not limited to: errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the Web site - which will make periodic stops for technical maintenance - as well as the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the contents, despite having taken all the necessary technological measures to prevent it.
Transparency Portal
Through the information published on the transparency portal, the Foundation meets the principle of active publicity established by Law 19/2013, of December 9, 2013, on transparency, access to public information and good governance in a regular and updated manner, with the appropriate mechanisms to facilitate accessibility, interoperability, quality and reuse of information, as well as its identification and location.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any question related to the services of this Web, will be the Spanish law, being competent the Spanish Courts and Tribunals to hear any questions that may arise regarding its interpretation, application and compliance. The User, by virtue of the conditions contained in this Legal Notice, expressly waives any other jurisdiction that, by application of current law, may correspond to him/her. In any case, if the legislation in force allows to submit to a specific jurisdiction, the User voluntarily submits to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of León.