Hours: Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm, Friday and Saturday from 10 am to 10 pm and Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm.

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La Térmica Cultural to host five free workshops with training in dramatic art

  • They are part of the performing arts project 'La parábola del carbón' (The parable of coal).  
  • Five free workshops for ages 16 and older, ranging from acting and dance to document theater, lighting and production.
  • The first workshop on document theater will take place at the end of April at La Térmica Cultural.

La Térmica Cultural will soon host five workshops with training in different topics related to the dramatic arts. The workshops, which range from acting through dance to document theater, lighting and production, are free of charge and are aimed at people over 16 years of age. As part of the performing arts project The parable of coalthe calendar is as follows:

  • Documentary theater workshop, The Legacy of Coal: April 20, 21, 27 and 28
  • Dance and stage movement workshop, Breaking the contemporary: May 7, 14, 21, 28 and June 4, 11, 18, 25.
  • Interpretation workshop, Introduction to interpretation and stage play: May 8, 15, 22, 29 and June 5, 12, 19, 26.
  • Stage Production Workshop, Introduction to Stage Production: June 8 and 9
  • Lighting workshop, Basic lighting for stage events: June 22nd and 23rd

Places are limited until full capacity is reached and registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Those interested in participating can apply for a place by sending an e-mail to laparaboladelcarbon@gmail.com indicating the title of the workshop you wish to register for, name and surname, age and if you have experience in the subject related to the workshop.

In addition, the workshops will be taught by professionals with extensive experience and, in turn, members of this unpublished production, La parábola del carbón, which the company Saltantes Teatro is preparing for La Térmica Cultural. Thus, Mayra Fernández will be in charge of teaching the theater workshop document, Lucas García the dance workshop, Enrique Dueñas the interpretation workshop, Luis Alija the stage production workshop and Carlos Dávila the lighting workshop. The complete dossier can be consulted here.

This is the first performing arts project promoted by La Térmica Cultural together with the company Saltantes Teatro. La parábola del carbón is framed in what is called document theater, that is, a work that is open and advances according to the contributions and interviews that the creators receive throughout the process of writing and development of the play. Conceived as an unpublished work and created expressly for La Térmica Cultural, the project is currently undergoing documentary research on its central axis: the Compostilla I thermal power plant and its impact on the city and the region. In addition, the candidates selected to participate in the casting are in the process of selection and will be announced by Sunday, March 10 at the latest. Subsequently, they will be called for an in-person workshop to be held in Ponferrada from Monday 25 to Wednesday 27 March.

The scenic proposal of La parábola del carbón will originate from a short fiction that will serve as a starting point to reflect the heritage left by Ponferrada and El Bierzo in the current generation, explore its history in depth and transfer the experiences that, in turn, will serve as a reflection for other areas of just transition. La Térmica Cultural will host the premiere of this production in July and, subsequently, will begin a tour of different areas of just transition in the country.

After graduating from the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático del Principado de Asturias, Luis Alija from Bierzo and Nerea Vázquez from Gijón founded the professional theater company Saltantes Teatro ten years ago. Their lines of work include the analysis of the tastes of their closest audience, the development of proposals based on the imaginary and creative spirit of Alija himself and popular culture, and the potential of Nerea Vázquez's artistic talent, always related to music, comedy and the narration of contemporary situations adapted to their perception. The company's productions include "El Chigre Menguante" by Maxi Rodríguez, "Misery" by Stephen King, "Moba-Juegos de Guerra" by Luis Alija and "Casting, Diario Musical de Nerea Vázquez".


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