Opening hours: Friday from 4 pm to 10 pm, Saturday from 10 am to 10 pm and Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm
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Carapaus puts soundtrack to the Jacobean pilgrimage in 'Camiño da vida tola'.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Camiño da Vida Tola aims to value and disseminate many of the music that sounded in the past in some of the roads leading to Compostela. This intangible cultural heritage was preserved for years in the memory of the informants and especially of the women, who are always an inexhaustible source of popular wisdom.

The melodies with a strong traditional character and the vindicative lyrics are the basis of Carapaus' show. The concerns of society or female empowerment are some of the themes that combine with the texts of Rosalía de Castro or Manuel María.

Carapaus' performance is part of the Dinamiz-ARTj program promoted by the Institute for Just Transition (ITJ) and the City of Energy Foundation (CIUDEN) to boost cultural activity in municipalities affected by the closure of mining and thermal and nuclear power plants and to promote the careers of young artists living in these territories.

  • Type: Activities,Music and dance
  • Time: September 1, 2023 - 19:30 - 20:45
  • Venue:Anthracite Auditorium
  • Duration:19:30H


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