Opening hours: Friday from 4 pm to 10 pm, Saturday from 10 am to 10 pm and Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm

What to do today at La Térmica Cultural?

Mining and energy identity, anthropology and sustainability are the themes of the temporary and permanent exhibitions currently on display at La Térmica Cultural. We dedicate more than 2,500 m2 to dissemination distributed in different rooms with a capacity for 1,500 people in total.

Here you will find all the information you need before participating in each one of them. What are you waiting for to know everything that La Térmica Cultural has to offer? We are waiting for you!


Memories between energy

Jul 12, 2024 - Jul 12, 2034

In search of life

Mar 22, 2024 - Sep 29, 2024

Turn on La Térmica

Mar 31, 2023 - Mar 31, 2033

Green Fire

Mar 31, 2023 - Mar 31, 2033

Upcoming activities

Click on each of the activities to find out the price of each activity


Among ferns': guided tours to get to know in depth the species that make up Fuego Verde

July 28, 2024 - 11:00 - September 22, 2024 - 12:00 / Green Fire
Activities, Music and dance

Ester Vallejo | Roots

19:30 - 20:45 / Anthracite Auditorium
Activities, Music and dance

Tomorrow Friday | Concert

19:30 - 20:45 / Anthracite Auditorium


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